NICE K4M 30.900 MHz Remote Control
NICE K4M 30.900 MHz is used for operating your automatic gate and garage door systems.This green case is set with dip switches.
NICE K4M 30.900 MHz has 4 yellow buttons offering you the convenience of monitoring your devices easily and effectively. It works with 12V batteries 12V on a frequency of 30.900 MHz.
NICE K4M 30.900 MHz is very ergonomic and user-friendly, tailored for residential use.
Alloremotecontrol is fully committed to ensure customers satisfaction; it guarantees a one-year warranty on all its products. You can even get a two-year warranty extension when finalizing your order. (See General Sales conditions)
The quartz of this case exists with :
- 30.875 MHz
- 27.120 MHz
- 26.995 MHz
Check the frequency on the quartz!